STEM Camp with Crossway Church in Lesotho


It was a cold and snowy week for Crossway Church in the Lesotho mountains as they put on a STEM camp for our youth from our care centers and our partnered churches. This team brought electrical kits so that our kids could have a hands on learning experience with running electrical circuits.

They would start their time off with icebreakers, worship, and studying God’s word in 2 Peter 1. During this time they explained to the kids that just like their electrical circuits, they too have an ultimate source of power— God! What a powerful spiritual truth for our kids to be thinking on as they learn a practical skill like this!


Needless to say, this camp brought sparks of knowledge and joy! We loved getting to watch these young minds learn how electricity flows as they pieced together their electrical circuits and learned how to power their toy cars that they got to race on the last day of camp.

While this team was in Lesotho they were able to help with a baptism for our children and visit families in the surrounding villages! Thank you Crossway Church for spending your time pouring into our kids and teaching them this important skill and God’s word… through a snow storm and all!


2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Brett Barnhill